There are several other scenarios in which it may be possible to claim compensation for being a passenger in a car accident. These include;
- A passenger in a vehicle which is in collision with a negligent road user
- A passenger in a car where the driver of the car is to blame for causing an accident – irrespective of whether another vehicle is involved
- A passenger in a car, who is injured due the car being involved in an accident attributable to the unsafe condition of the road
- A passenger in a taxi, who could sustain an injury due to the negligent actions of the taxi driver or another road user
Claims for car accidents involving passengers are handled in the same way as those which involve drivers. Applications to assess injuries to passengers in car accidents should still be made to the Injuries Board Ireland. If you have recently been a passenger involved in an accident and feel that you have a potential personal injury claim, then Contact Houlihan Solicitors on 061 502 090 or email to discuss the best option for your claim.