Everybody in Health Services has a duty of care to the patients they diagnose and treat. The duty of care applies to Doctors, Nurses, Consultants and Surgeons etc. Simply it covers everyone that works in the Health Services. When that duty of care fails then we have Medical Negligence.
You as a patient have the right to complain if you think that the standard of care is defective and that Medical Negligence has been committed. Some examples of clinical negligence for which you may be entitled to compensation include:
- Undiagnosed injury or illness
Misdiagnosed injury or illness
- Administration of the wrong medication or the wrong dosage
- Mistakes during surgery
- Mistakes during childbirth
- Defective medical products
- Care Home claim
Victims of clinical negligence may be entitled to compensation not only for the injury itself, but also for ongoing pain and suffering and for financial expenses such as the following:
- Corrective medical treatment
Rehabilitative services
Pain, distress or loss of faculty
- Lost wages
- Loss of future earning capacity
- Support of dependents such as minors
Frequently Asked Questions
It can take roughly around 12 months to complete a claim through PIAB. In the event court proceedings have to issue, it can take slightly longer. We have our clients’ interests at the top of our priority and always try to resolve cases as quickly as possible.
We operate on a “no win, no fee basis” and you can read more about this HERE
Our solicitor–client fee is a set fee that will be notified to you in writing at the very start of your case and we can guarantee that it will not change during the process. You will be issued with a formal Section 150 costs letter which details all work and costs involved in your case. We offer a “no obligation” consultation prior to taking on a case.
Absolutely. Everything that you tell us stays confidential. All documentation that relates to your case is stored on our secure data system that no one can access except our legal team. Our firm operates strict policies and procedures to satisfy and comply with Data Protection legislation and GDPR.
You have 2 years from the date of the accident to start a claim. Once 2 years pass your case will become statute barred if no action is taken. This is a very strict time restriction and cannot be extended. Some exceptions are made in medical negligence cases.
Specific Medical Negligence Claims