A member of An Garda Síochána who sustained injuries maliciously inflicted upon them in the performance of their duties or acting in their general capacity as a member of the force. Or a member who is off duty and is assaulted by virtue of them being a member of the force may apply for compensation. The Garda Síochána (Compensation) Acts provide that compensation can be claimed by:
- The dependents of any member of An Garda Síochána who has been fatally injured and
- Any member who has suffered non-fatal injuries
It is not necessary that the member was on duty when the injury was suffered. The member may also claim compensation if they were:
- Exercising their powers
- or otherwise acting in his or her capacity as a Garda when off duty
- on leave
- or if the injury was suffered because of anything previously done by the applicant as a member of An Garda Síochána
Compensation can be awarded for physical injuries as well as physiological injuries i.e if a member has suffered nervous shock etc. A claim must be submitted within three months of the incident. The Minister for Justice & Equality does however have discretion to extend this time limit in extreme circumstances.
The compensation we will seek to recover for you will include:
- general damages for pain and suffering
special damages in respect of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of the accident and
and if appropriate, losses and expenses into the future
Houlihan Solicitors offers expert legal advice to all members of An Garda Síochána on Garda Compensation Claims. For further information on Garda Compensation or to make an appointment phone on 061 502 090 or email [email protected].
*In contentious business, solicitors may not calculate fees as a percentage of any award or settlement.