An external review was ordered by the HSE following details of incidents involving 19 children emerged in September 2023. Following an expert review commissioned by the HSE, it has now been reported that further children have been affected and suffered horrific treatment at Temple Street. Concerns were raised about a doctor putting unapproved and unauthorised devices into the backs of children. This was a huge failure on behalf of the HSE and a complete lack of oversight at Temple Street Hospital. Some of the devices implanted will mean that they will never be able to walk, run or be able to move their legs again. The surviving children could now face issues for the rest of their lives.
Houlihan Solicitors are acting for a number of families affected by this scandal and we kindly invite you to contact us on 061 599 661 if you or anyone you know has been affected and is in need of expert legal advice. … 02476.html